Year of Planning Program

Advisory Board

Strategic Actions

How will the ADT engage the school community to recruit and build the Advisory Board?

Guiding Questions

Use the guiding questions to structure meeting agendas and facilitate a discussion aimed at developing the academy framework.

1. Develop a targeted outreach plan to involve the school community in recruiting an advisory board.

1. How can the ADT effectively engage the school community to recruit the advisory board, ensuring current stakeholders' involvement?

2. Designate an ADT member to lead community engagement efforts for AB recruitment, which includes creating recruitment resources.

2. Who will monitor community engagement efforts for advisory board recruitment?

3. Identify and engage business professionals with career-pathway expertise.

3. What opportunities exist to involve business professionals in guiding program development?

4. Develop a clear timeline for advisory board activities, incorporating key events.

4. What steps will the ADT take to create this timeline, including the strategic planning meeting?

5. Develop a communication plan within the advisory board to provide support for learners and educators.

5. Will the advisory board form a committee to keep educators informed about industry trends?

6. Identify classroom activities involving advisory board participation to support the work-based learning program.

6. How will the academy integrate advisory board participation into classroom activities to enhance the work-based learning program?