Year of Planning Program

College & Career Readiness

Strategic Actions

How will the academy build students' college knowledge, offer advanced academic opportunities, and support certification attainment to enhance college and career readiness?

Guiding Questions

Use the guiding questions to structure meeting agendas and facilitate a discussion aimed at developing the academy framework.

1. Develop and implement a curriculum framework integrating college and career lessons into career-pathway courses and other subjects, aligned with industry standards.

1. How can the academy integrate college and career lessons into career-pathway courses while ensuring alignment with industry standards?

2. Establish a calendar for FAFSA, college visits, ACT, PSAT, SAT, and scholarship opportunities.

2. What communication channels will be used to ensure student, parent, and staff participation?

3. Create a timeline for college application workshops, covering planning, promotion, execution, and follow-up.

3. Does the school have a timeline for college application workshops?

4. Review industry certifications to the academy's career pathways.

4. What industry certifications are available for the academy's career pathway?

5. Identify advanced academic and early college options, including dual enrollment and articulation agreements.

5. How can the academy leverage its affiliation with postsecondary institutions to enhance educational opportunities for students?

6. Enhance the work-based learning program by involving the advisory board in career awareness, exploration, and preparation activities.

6. How can the academy engage the advisory board to review and actively participate in the work-based learning program?