Year of Planning Program

Authentic Projects

Strategic Actions

How will the ADT implement extended (10+ days) authentic project-based learning experiences with industry professionals that address real-world challenges?

Guiding Questions

Use the guiding questions to structure meeting agendas and facilitate a discussion aimed at developing the academy framework.

1. Conduct a needs assessment to identify real-world challenges relevant to students and the community.

1. How can partnerships with local industries enhance student learning through authentic project experiences?

2. Develop a career-connected project-based learning plan that integrates career content with other subjects.

2. How can the academy use projects like NAF Expeditions to foster collaboration between core and career-content educators?

3. Develop and implement NAF Expeditions or similar projects with industry professionals.

3. Which ADT member will review NAF Expeditions for curriculum alignment?

4. Establish partnerships with local industry professionals to collaborate on projects, mentor students, and provide feedback.

4. How can the ADT communicate regularly with industry partners to highlight the impact of their involvement on student learning and career readiness?

5. Identify available professional development opportunities for educators to deepen project-based learning knowledge.

5. How can the district support educators in enhancing their skills for facilitating authentic project-based learning, including opportunities with industry professionals?